Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Heavenly Father wanted to see if I'd get back on my knees

July 8, 2013
So. Great to hear from you as always. How was your birthday Mother? Get anything fun? I still haven't received that package that you spoke of but we'll cut the office some slack right now. They have a lot on their plate. Don't worry, I'm staying hydrated. We stop by members all the time, or potential people and they're pretty merciful and offer us drinks. Which I'm grateful for. I have to force myself to drink in the morning before we leave so that I have enough water to sustain me for a bit. I'm excited for that pack to come!  What's the news on the wedding? I wrote Adam and Jen but didn't hear anything back! Hope you had a great Independence Day, mine was pretty great. Celebrated our free agency mostly, it was a treat. 

On Wednesday we met President Jenkins. He's a great guy. We also found out some interesting stuff. Apparently we only got 10 new missionaries from the split (Those missionaries in Globe) so most of us were called to Mesa and those 10 were called to Tempe. But we welcome them anyways. We still have about 130 missionaries in the Mesa mission which covers Mesa, Apache Junction, and Globe. It's tiny. I didn't get a pic with President but they took one of the zone and him and I think they're going to send it to you if I'm not mistaken. Another fun info, President said that by the end of the year every companionship will have an iPad and an iPhone. Pretty crazy.
So this week I learned a lot about prayer. I'm still working on turning my heart over to the Lord. I still feel like I'm holding back parts of it, and I can't figure out what I need to do. So I prayed to Heavenly Father. I prayed for a little while, and it did help me feel a little better. This was on Monday, as we went out that night absolutely nothing happened. I was discouraged,  but I know that Heavenly Father wanted to see if I'd get back on my knees. He wanted to know if I'd trust Him, if I'd continue to turn to Him for strength, and that's what I did. I was on my knees for a while that night as well. (Elder Salesulu takes showers at night so that leaves me some time to myself. I know that Heavenly Father wants to bless us. Sometimes we just need to ask. I lost sight of that for a while, I was saying prayers. There were words, but my heart wasn't there. As soon as I put my heart into miracles followed. The rest of the week was pretty good as well but Tuesday strengthened my faith like crazy.

Tuesday was full of miracles. It was amazing. I specifically prayed for a miracle with Debbie, we had a meeting with her Tuesday morning, and I prayed for a miracle again in the morning. As we met with Debbie the Spirit was very strong and we helped her realize her true relationship with her Father in Heaven. That He love her, and if she truly loves Him that is what should drive her to prepare for baptism. Her love for God. We asked her if she loved God more than smoking and she said yes. Then we invited her to be baptized. She had prayed for a date and had received August. We set the date for August 10th. It was amazing. Miracles kept on throughout the week.

We are still working with Jesus and Sarah. They are coming a long great. They both fasted with us yesterday. (Sarah told us she failed though... She ate breakfast... And lunch. So she didn't fast but she tried haha). And they both came to church! We talked to President about Jesus and we're thinking we're going to send a letter to the First Presidency to get approval due to his probation. But we'll see, he should be meeting with President next week sometime.
This week was tough because a lot of people were out of town but we still were able to teach about 16 lessons and we found 3 new people to teach. It was pretty successful all in all. To answer your question transfers are next Wednesday. We'll get transfer news on Saturday... I've been here 4 transfers now so that's usually the norm. Pretty rare to stay much longer than that, but I'll go where the Lord needs me!! We're seeing miracles and I know it's because of our diligence. Some members gave me some free Reebok shoes. They're super nice. The members and the shoes. It's the Pachecos, they're converts of about 5 years.  Pacheco was Catholic and an alcoholic, and now he's not! He's so awesome. Love that family.

Hope all is well, keep on keepin on. I know that God has a plan and when things aren't golden there's a reason. Either I'm doing something wrong or there's a reason I can't understand right now. But I can keep working hard! And then it will become golden (Job 23:10)
Well, This isn't the best letter ever but know that I love you all.

Love you lots,

Love Elder Alexander  

                                    This one makes us look like a chorus of angels.   (The District) 

 This was the one firework that I saw from our roof after planning. It was really far away. After siting there for a while looking for fireworks to no avail I almost gave up. Then this gem came.

                           These are the new shoes that the Pacheco's gave me. Charity for days.

Arizona Mesa Mission
2525 N 32nd ST
Mesa, AZ 85213

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