Monday, August 5, 2013

There are truly Angels round about preparing the hearts of the people.

August 05, 2013

Hola Madre,
(I'm really into Spanish right now.)
Anyways, it's been another great week in the 480. Lovin life. First I'll answer your "Motherly Questions"
1. Yes I am still on a bike, Schwinny's still doing her job, I love her a lot. She isn't the best bike but she gets me around. If I ever get a car, it's going to be a tough day for me. And being on a  bike is so much better! Sure there's the heat but on the other hand we get to talk to sooooo many people. It's such a blessing.
2. I live in an apartment now. I'll send you the address sometime. But it's a nice little place, I like it. It's just me and Elder Bartlett in there and then the Spanish missionaries Elder Duff and Elder Smith live right next door and they come over every night. But of course they leave before 10:30. It's nice to have other people to talk to every day.
3. I did get me a nice little mad bag and it's working out really well. Not as bad as I thought. It's pretty much a purse but whatevs, I like it well enough.
4. No we're not online proselyting quite yet. Apparently President said that we will have IPads and  Phones by the end of the year and I'm pretty sure at that time the show will begin. But the Sisters that serve in the Visitors' Center do have the I pads and I phones already and they're on good ol FB.

Now, we saw loads of miracles this week. Loads, upon loads. There are truly angels round about preparing the hearts of the people. Did I tell you about Sharon? Well, Sharon was a referral from church headquarters which we get over text. So we stopped by. She'd met with missionaries and was about to get baptized but she wasn't living the law of chastity (living with a less active member with a son named Colten) so she couldn't. When we talked to her she told us that she wanted to get baptized but she just didn't know when. Maybe in two years is what she said. Well not on my watch!! Haha. But we shared with her 1 Nephi 8:12. Because she knew she wanted her family to be a part of the church but her husband is still less active. We were pretty bold and told her if she's tasted of the fruit and knows it's desirable then she needed to lead her family to it. 

We went back this Monday and we had no idea what to teach her. About 15 minutes before we went over I felt like we should show her a  Mormon Message called, "Our Road to Demascus" (from that dvd you sent me, thank you momma!! (Speaking of which, you sent me Mormon Messages #2 because I had the first one in my last area. Well... I had to leave that there and I wouldn't mind having my own copy :))) Anyways. Check out that video. It talks about now waiting too long to dive into full discipleship. After it was over I wasn't sure how she was going to take it. And these were the first words out of her mouth, "When's the soonest I can get baptized?" Sharon's getting baptized this Saturday. It was so incredible to see the Spirit make such a mighty change in her heart. She's so prepared and I've already seen her grow so much.

Another story, did I tell you about Jamie? Jamie pulled us over when we were lost and told us his friend gave him a Book of Mormon. We met with him and his wife Marlysa on Tuesday. They have a little three year old son named..... Jayce!! He's really shy. But anyways, we taught them the first lesson. They are seriously the most prepared people in the world. He talked about all these incredible miracles that have lead their family to our church, he could seriously see God's hand guiding him straight to where he and his family need to be. Jamie and Marlysa were at church on Sunday and are planning on getting baptized on August 24th

It's been so incredible to find all of these prepared people. There are more but I'll probably tell you about them later!! Can't give all my secrets away. But it has been so incredible to continue to see the work building in the area. I thought with losing 4 investigators that were baptized last week that we wouldn't be as busy but we taught over 20 lessons again and we found 5 people preparing for baptism. It's no Brazil, but it's pretty exciting. I'm really grateful for Heavenly Father guiding His children in the way he does. He loves us, I found a scripture in 1 John 3:1 that talks about how incredible Heavenly Father's love is. It's so great that even though He is so much greater than us He calls us His children. I am His son. And we are all His children. 

I am so grateful for my family! I watched a video about Christmas and I got a little homesick, but I got over it. Thanks for the pictures of the partay. The fam looks really good. Tell everyone I love them a lot!!  

Til next time,
Love, Elder Alexander

 P.S. I decided against the GPS. We're getting the area pretty good and we see miracles when we get lost haha.

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