Wednesday, June 5, 2013


June 3, 2013
Great to hear from you as always. Glad those missionaries were able to come and share a message with you! Are they doing their job, didn't they strengthen your faith?? It is super true that everything is so simple, that's my favorite thing about the gospel. Tell Adam I love him a lot, he's definitely an example of hard work. Love that guy. Heard from Elyse today which was really nice. No Adam though. I'm going to kick him in the head. Good to hear about Micah and Coach, I did get to write him a letter a bit ago. It was awesome to hear from him. I do have some great friends, I was hearing about Tanner and Jordan on a pretty regular basis but I'd like an update on some of the other kids out there! maybe you can round up some stuff from those missionary Moms. That's too bad about Uncle Lamar I will keep him in my prayers. He's a great man. 

Well this was an exciting week full of 13 Member Present Lessons, dropping people, bike crashes, and some pretty exciting/surprising news. Let's do it.
Good old P Day as always, we ate dinner with the T___ kind of a crazy old couple but we love em none the less. Afterwards we headed over to the A apartments where most of the work is. We met with Jenella and Alyssa. They were the people that were drunk when we first met. We taught them the first lesson. Outside. People were walking all around. Dogs coming buy. A guy drinking a good ol dos eques beer close by. But the Spirit was so strong. Alyssa was kind of out of it.. She was smoking something. But Jenella said that it made sense. She said that a couple of weeks ago she had felt that she needed to go to church... And what do you know we showed up. We helped her recognize God's hand in her life and it was awesome to see her recognize the Spirit so well. Good lesson. Afterwards we stopped by Jesus with Bro Gurr. It was a decent lesson. And thus ended the Day of Preparation.

One of those great days where everyone cancels and you feel like nothings working out. And then you go home and you had 5 member present lessons, just because you worked hard and Heavenly Father blessed you for that. The day started out tough, we took off at about 11 after getting some members for lessons that day and preparing. Stopped by and set up some appointments, stopped by this lady named Jennifer that was part of that influx of investigators and had to drop her because we haven't seen her since that first time. On the way back for lunch we're just riding a long. When suddenly Elder Kiene is awfully close. So I jokingly kind of put our handlebars close together. Next thing I know my bike is gone and I skid across the asphalt. Actually didn't hurt too bad, my shirt was all black and I hurt my elbow but that's about it. I'll send you a picture of it. It was a good one. Heavenly Father knew I needed some humbling. I spent the beginning of lunch wallowing in my self pity in the confines of my closet. We were able to stop by Laurie and basically she said she's going to read the whole Book of Mormon and pray about it but she doesn't want to meet... It's whatever, we'll stop by in a couple weeks and baptize her.

Had a good District Meeting. Training for life. And then we stopped by and saw Jesus. And got a hair cut while we taught him a lesson. Jesus had a roommate (Moved on Thursday) named Vince. He was an investigator of ours, part of that influx. We're going to send a referral to his new place but he's kind of crazy... He tells everyone we bring over that he's bipolar. Basically it's like "Hi my name's bipolar, and I'm Vince." The gospel will definitely help him but he has some stuff to take care of first. Jesus really didn't like him though haha.

Elder Kiene and I were a little sick for most of the day. Stupid stomach problems, I hate the toilet a lot. So we were in most the day but I got to read a lot of the war chapters of the Book of Mormon which was awesome. Then we went to ward correlation for Edgewood and it was pretty alright... We're just trying to keep Edgewood going, they've had all three of the baptisms since I got in the area. But we have to keep working! Then we went to a member family's house, the Anglins, and taught them the Restoration. It was an awesome experience. The Spirit was so strong as we asked them to bear their testimonies of the Restoration. I got choked up for the first time while teaching and bearing testimony. Loooved it. Then they fed us pizza because we didn't get dinner which was nice too.

Elder Kiene was still down, I felt a little better though so I was able to study more and I really loved it. We had three lessons set up but 2 canceled. But we taught Debbie, we taught her about prayer and fasting and how it will help her build her faith. We're going to talk about the Atonement next time and help her with that. We stopped by and talked to Jenella again because Chloe canceled and we had a member with us. She's discouraged because her fiance told her that she can't investigate, but she wants to. We told her to pray and the Lord will provide a way. We also talked to Kace and set a baptismal date for June 22nd! Same as Jesus.

SaturdaySaturdaySaturday... We ate lunch with a part member family. Chad and Lisa. Lisa is a member and Chad is the coolest guy but no interest in the church. I've just been trying to break down the walls he has up, and we actually got to talk a little bit about the church which was awesome. But we were talking and he's a big Kansas Jayhawks fan. So we talked about Jake Heaps because he's excited for him to start playing for them this year. And then we started talking about Izzy the big black guy that just got drafted from BYU. And guess what. The missionary that baptized him in Africa is in my ward! Brother Thatcher, and we're eating with them next Sunday! So I'm excited about that. But we talked a bit about his concerns, like tithing. We'll get him eventually. We taught a lesson to a less active sister, Sister Forbes. It was cool to help her strengthen her testimony. We ate dinner with Sister Anderson, recent convert, and her husband. We went to a barbeque house called Waldo's, it was really good. That night we had a lesson with a new investigator named Eric, big and black. He was sooooooo tough.And it didn't help that at the beginning of the lesson we got a call from the Mission Office. We didn't answer but when you get a call from President the Saturday before transfers that means somethings changin. So I had to pray lots to keep my mind in the lesson!!! Eric will be hard, he needs proof from the Bible. But we'll get around that soon enough.

So. After the lesson we give President a call. Here's the news. It's quite the surprise. After only 6 weeks here Elder Kiene is leaving me. He's going back to the same Zone he came from so he'll be in the Mesa mission. He's training, white washing, and he'll be a District Leader. That'll be fun! As for me..... I'm getting a Visa Waiter. Which means he's in the same situation as when Tanner served in California for a little before he headed to Brazil. I'm not positive if he's coming straight from the MTC but I do know that I've been out longer. So here we go! No more letting my senior companions take the hard stuff haha, I didn't do that too much. I'm going to need some prayers, I feel like I'm getting a lot of trust from the Lord. I'm excited though, it is going to be so good for me. My new companion could only be here for 3 days or 3 months. We'll just have to see! As for now Windsor, Greenfield Park, and Edgewood are stuck with me!
I'm tired of typing. But it was ok. We were supposed to have like 8 people at church. But nope, 2. But that's ok. We taught 3 lessons to member families. The Whiteheads, the Allens, and the De Chesares. Then we stopped by Sarah and Hector and Jesus. We were so tired because neither of us could sleep Saturday night. My mind was all over the place!

Got another letter which I appreciated this week!  I love you a lot Dad and I'm so grateful for you and your example.Things are going great and my testimony of the Savior and His reality grows everyday. As well as the Restoration. Thank you for what you share with me it is awesome. Here's a fun fact for you. There's a church called the Church of Jesus Christ in my area. But it's not us. We were interested so we asked a member to look up the information. It is the church that split off with Sidney Rigdon. It's so crazy how people can stray by the simplest things. It is so evident they don't have the authority,or power of the Priesthood. It's sad actually. They don't believe in the D&C which makes no sense to me... At all
Another good week in the service of the Lord. I love the gospel and I love how happy it makes me. Things aren't always easy but they don't have to be hard if we turn to the gospel and rely on Heavenly Father. I know that there is a transforming power of the Atonement and it's open to all. 
I know that Heavenly Father wants me to grow. I pray everyday that I will do everything I can because I know He's doing everything He can. Which is amazing to me. He knows me. And I love it.

I love you all a lot!

Love, Elder Alexander

This is the District

This is a picture that is in the April General conference Ensign of Elder McCaffery
This is where we write the quotes we hear. Feel free to ask for any back stories on them as you wish. they are mostly pretty good  
This is the effects of the of my bike. Not too bad
You can tell how black my shirt is better here

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