Wednesday, June 5, 2013


May 27, 2013
As always it is great to hear from you, I'm excited to tell you all about this week seeing is it was probably one of the busiest/successful/fulfilling I have had as a servant of the Lord. Let's get right down to it.

After emails me and Elder Kiene returned home. With nothing to do. So we borrowed 17 Miracles from a member and headed over to the church building. Clad with terrible quality gummie bears from a terrible gas station we settled in. I had never seen 17 Miracles and it really hit me how much those people went through. Their faith really made me think about my own and how much trust I really put in the Savior. It was a great experience. That night we had a meeting with Debbie who has investigated the church before but has a problem with smoking. She wants to be baptized and knows she needs to go to the temple but she just can't quit smoking. As we looked at her old teaching record it is always the same thing. "Tried quit smoking program" same results everytime. As we looked it over we noticed there was no focus on the little things. She had been going to church but there was no mention regarding her Book of Mormon reading and her prayer. So that's where we started, she agreed to start reading the Book of Mormon everyday. We hardly even talked about smoking. We're just going to let the Spirit take care of her! Just as long as she is doing everything she can to have the Spirit I know that one day she will have a greater desire to quit. I'm excited for her.
We met with Jay again. He is so awesome. We taught him the first lesson because it ends up that it was never taught. He just needs to read the Book of Mormon and come to church, hopefully he'll progress! He asked us about speaking in tongues and all this stuff at the end and told us sometimes he just says weird things (jibberish) that the 'Spirit" tells him to say. Elder Kiene did a good job explaining what we know about the gift of tongues though. That night we ate with a Part Member family the E___. Bro E___ is not baptized but he acts like a member. He's so funny. That night we stopped by good old Laurie. She's really a fanatic about her own church but we got her reading the Book of Mormon! She still thinks it's just a Bible help but we'll get that out of her soon enough. We weren't able to really go in but we talked to her for quite a bit. She told us about her retarded cat. She says it is literally retarded. She tells us about this retarded cat everytime we stop by. She's hilarious, we're meeting with her again tomorrow.
Wednesday was good ol Zone Conference so we had to go over to Apache Junction, which was fun. A member drove us out and we left our Area Books in his car so he had to drive alllll the way back out and give them to us. Luckily Brother B____is a nice guy though. Another Zone (The Superstition Zone) went before us and guess who I saw. Elder Ault! That was pretty fun, he's doing awesome it was cool to talk to him for a minute. We had a good Zone Conference, found out that we got unlimited texting. It's whatever. After that we were supposed to stop by Jesus but he canceled so we just went around the Argenta apartments contacting. We found 4 new investigators. One is a former, and the last two were kind of drunk but we stopped by the next day and they weren't home and we're going back tonight! While we were talking to people a black guy came out and was smoking. He overheard me give these two drunk people I previously spoke about a Book of Mormon. After hearing this he piped in and said, "You Mormons?" I replied, "Yes we are!" smoking black man, "Mormon's are cool." Obviously this got me very excited. "Why do you say that?" I inquired. And this was his reply. "I've been drinking." And then he goes inside and as we ride away I see him in his room flailing his limbs all around. For I don't know what reason.
Thursday was the slow day of the week but it was still successful. We started this thing where we're teaching completely active member families lessons. For three reasons. 
1. Practice our teaching
2. Get to know the members and gain their trust.
3. Get referrals.
We met with a young couple named the R___ which was nice and he's a return missionary. He hangs his mustaches on the wall. I'll take a picture sometime if I get the chance. Taught me to own the awkward. Because things are awkward ALOT. But you have to roll with it.
I will focus on Friday night. We took Hermano P out with us. He converted to the church about 5 years ago. We had member present lessons in 2 hours. It was crazy.
We went to Olive Garden which was fun. We also contacted a referral named Eric. Or at least tried. He's big and black, or so we hear. We took our ward mission leader, Brother Olson, and knocked on the door. A little girl screams for her Dad. We see a woman standing in the kitchen. We stand there. Knock again. Daughter screams again, but Eric didn't come. All of a sudden the mother and the daughter go into the backyard to hide from us. As we look into the house we see a little black baby, probably about 2, alone with nothing but a ketchup bottle as a companion. But he was content. We'll try Eric again tomorrow. During correlation Brother Olson searched and dug about dirt on me. He ended up finding that blog you prepared! So I saw a glimpse of it, looking pretty good. Proud of you Madre. Brother Olson will probably read this. And proceed to make some snide remark. But I'm used to him, he's a good guy. 
Kace came to church. We made sure of it. We had Hermano P take us to his house a half an hour before church and we picked him up! He didn't have a shirt on but he grabbed one and we got him to church. He should get baptized at the end of this month. We had two more active member lessons with the Brenchley's and the Mason's. They threw some questions that I really didn't know how to answer. So I just started talking and the Spirit was able to teach me a lot. It was a cool experience.  Sunday night we taught a couple lessons and helped Jesus' roommate decide to continue to live. It was a pretty good night.

 I was reading in Alma 37 when Alma is talking with Helaman. He talks at the end how we can become slothful. Like Lehi and his family in the wilderness. They got comfortable so they had to get kicked in the but. They had trials that caused their faith to turn back to the Lord. It was really like the Spirit punching me in the face and saying yeah things are going good, you have triple the amount of investigators you had a month ago, but you BETTER keep working. It was another answer to my prayers. I wanted to be taught and that's what I needed to learn. We can never coast, we can never relax. We have to be progressing or else we are falling. It's that simple.

 All and all a great week. It flew by. We taught 15 member present lessons which was awesome, We have seen a lot of success. We get transfer news on Saturday, I really hope me and Elder Kiene get another transfer in this area. We're really hitting our flow. But hey, whatever the Lord wants. I'm down.

I love you a lot Adagio, I bet the service for Jackie was absolutely incredible. The Spirit is such a comforting thing and can be if we just let it in.
I have gained a testimony that the Restoration happened. Joseph Smith literally saw God the Father and Jesus Christ. They stood before him and he restored the fullness. I'm grateful for that testimony. People through darts as I teach and every day. They think they can break it. But they can't, only if I let them. And I won't
I hope all is well and you guys have a great Memorial Day. Tell Jayce I love him. And Adam and Jen, and Elyse and Dallas. And just about everyone I guess!
Love Elder Alexander

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