Tuesday, May 21, 2013

May 20, 2013

Zone Conference
This week was pretty darn good, and it actually went by pretty quick for me! Now let me tell you about it.

Had a great P Day. Went Bowling!!!! I have to admit I did miss it, I was Spinning, Back Spinning, picking up Brooklyn's and Sleepers left and right. It was 6 bucks for like 3 hours. It was fun to be with the Zone and get to know them a little better. (There are only 5 that are the same as when I got here. I will include some nice pictures of the zone bowling and from Zone Conference.) That night we had a nice dinner with the Weston's, he is the bishop of the Greenfield Park Ward and he told me I have grown up a lot since I got in the area. Appreciated that. We also met with the Gamboas and set up the plan for the week, so we could stop by every night and have his interview, etc. and then we went and met our District Leader because we had exchanges on Tuesday! So on Tuesday I was with Elder Cabrera in the Spanish area and Elder Kiene and Elder Fuentes took over our area.
Spent the day with Elder Cabrera. He is from Honduras and is still learning English. but we had a decent day. Had a lesson in Spanish so I just sat there. When we first walked in I asked if I could use the bathroom and I guess she said hold on a second but I thought she said ok so I followed her and we both went into the bathroom and we were both really confused. So I walked away with my head down... At the point Elder Cabrera decided to tell me what she had said. Elder Cabrera reminds me of the donkey from Winnie the Pooh. He is a total down but I forced him to be happy all day and we ended up being good pals. I called him mi amor and he got really wierded out. But that night we went to an English class and the two students spoke absolutely no English. It was interesting to see English being taught and the process it takes to learn. 
Elder Kiene was sick. All day. He slept for 22 hours straight. I tried to wake him up several times but it didn't really work. So I spent the day doing various things... Calling formers and setting up different appointments with people... Watching the District and I also read from Alma 17 to Alma 26 the entire mission of the Sons of Mosiah. That was awesome to read it all at once and really study it. I really learned a lot about the need of prayer and how much it can allow Our Father in Heaven to bless us. We can ask for very specific things, he'd rather we be specific. I learned a lot. I did take a nap during the day I have to admit... But not too long. 
Another exchange. Except for this time Elder Fuentes was with me in our area.  We had District Meeting where I was called on to give a 5 minute pop lesson. So I had to teach the Restoration in 5 minutes, on the spot by myself. I was always nervous I'd be chosen but the Spirit helped me a lot. It took me 7 minutes but I felt really good afterwards, fulfilled. We had a pretty good day of contacting people. We met a young man and set a baptism date with him in 15 minutes. It was NUTS. Sadly he will be taught by the Young Single Adult ward (Spanish Elders cover that) But it was still awesome. Sad news, R dropped us. She says it is because of the Priesthood and some concerns she has there but sadly I believe it is just because she is lazy... It's too bad. We convinced her to let us stop by when she called but when we did her Dad just gave us the Book of Mormon and told us she didn't want to talk. It was a bummer but nothing much we can do at that point. We had an appointment with Laurie. I lady we found when she invited us to her church. Now she is reading the Book of Mormon and we're going back this Tuesday. I'm excited for that! Sean passed his interview.
Pretty eh day. Had weekly planning and a couple of lessons.
Sean was baptized. It was awesome and a member of the ward asked his sister when she was getting baptized and she responded by saying she doesn't know enough and that she will be at church every week from now on. Super exciting. (I'm send some pics of us with Sean and the entire G family.) We had a lesson with one of our new investigators, Sunny. We taught her the Plan of Salvation first because we felt like that's what she really needed and we discovered that when you do that it is difficult to invite them to be baptized because they don't understand authority... But it was a good lesson haha. We had a lesson with a Less Active Member, Sister Forbes, we had her read Alma 36 about Alma's conversion before and we talked about it. She opened up about her own conversion back in 2000 and how she needs help coming back because she never got a solid foundation. We were able to testify to her of what she needs to do and what we can help her with. She was at church for the full 3 hours on Sunday. That was awesome.
We had to move Jesus' date to June 22nd because he will not be off of probation until then, but it's crazy to see how his testimony has grown. He knows he has to get baptized. We went to the Visitor's Center and watched Joseph Smith the Prophet of the Restoration with him. I love that movie and I think it really helped him out. I pray that the G will be touched by it, we're taking them to see it on Thursday night.
All and all it was a pretty decent week. Found some new people and taught a lot more lessons. We had a lot more people at church too, we're definitely being blessed with loads of miracles. Miracles ALWAYS follow faith. It's a promise and it's never the other way around.
I love this Gospel and the Restoration of the precious truths that we sometimes tend to take for granted. I am so thankful to Joseph Smith and his example of faith. I know that he truly was a prophet of God. I know that I'll be with my family forever. And I love you all a lot <3
Love Elder Alexander
Zone Conference

P Day with my companion Elder Kiene

Results of riding my bike in 100 degrees or more 

Sean's Family

Sean's Baptism

Members who saw us at the Mesa Temple took this picture and sent it to our families that we say Hi and also to enjoy

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