Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mar 25, 2013

This is a special time in my life
I had an experience this week. We went over to see one of our investigators early this week and we had an opportunity to give her son a blessing. When I said "in the name of Jesus Christ and by the Power of the Melchezek Priesthood" I felt the Spirit so strong. And I knew that I was the same power and thing that the Apostles did as they spread the gospel after Christ's Resurrection. It's so amazing to have that same power and calling. It's incredible.

We also met with a less active named H. She wants to take the lessons so that she can get active again and go through the temple. The Spirit was so strong as we taught the restoration and at the end she opened up and told us she had a smoking problem. We gave her a priesthood blessing. The next day she threw us a text and said that she had decided to quit smoking. Today is her first day without a cigarette. Pray for her.
I know that this is a special time in my life. And I am so blessed for it. I don't consider it a sacrifice at all. Some people say it's amazing that you sacrifice two years of your life. I really don't feel like that. It's hard at times but it is such a blessing. Thanks for all of your help and reminders.
We haven't had the chance to attend the Easter Pageant yet. But we're planning on going on Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. I am so excited, we were going to go last Saturday but our investigator couldn't go so that's a bummer. But it's going to be beautiful! That's so crazy that Ryan Clawson is already back. It really feels like I was just barely talking to him at the Chic Fil A drive thru haha.

Our investigators are doing pretty good. S, who went to church the other week, wasn't able to go yesterday because she got sick. But we're going over tonight and I guess she asked her neighbor if we would give her a blessing. We gave her little son Hector one on Monday, it was incredible. The Spirit was so strong. Jesus is on house arrest and will be done with that on April 30th. He will be baptized on May 4th which is very exciting. M had to move her baptism back again because she hasn't been able to go to church very much, her sister is sick, so it is scheduled for April 13th. We have a lot of work to do but she will be great. We had a super miracle this week. On Tuesday we stopped by Angel, he is the one that I invited to be baptized. We hadn't been able to see him for two weeks and he was very happy to see us. As we talked he told us he wanted to take a break because we stressed him out with our commitments. I was so sad. But we have to keep up the faith, everyone has our agency.
The next day we met with Sister Anderson, who is new in the ward and her husband is a member. We took Sister Thatcher and taught the restoration. She is so ready, and was almost baptized back in 2001. She knows it is true. We invited her to be baptized on March 30th. This Saturday. And she accepted. This was last Wednesday. We're meeting with her everyday of this week to ensure that she is truly prepared for this step. We know she is. It took a lot of faith to extend a date so soon but we all know she will be ready. Me and Elder Weston have been praying for someone to baptize this month and she was an absolute answer to our prayers. Miracle Moment.
That Walk With Christ Activity is awesome. I'm on Day 5. I read them every night and focus on them that next day. Thank you so much Mommy, I loved those packages. They were the bomb. I really appreciate ya. Tell Jayce happy birthday. I'm thinking of getting him something for his birthday. There are so many little baby's around that remind me of him. Well I hope all is well, thank you for all of the love you give me. Love you tons

Elder Alexander 

p.s. A young man in our ward who we take out with us a lot got his call this week to........ The London South Mission!!  Exciting, eh?

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