Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Feb 18, 2013

It sure is HOT! It is only 80

Mother Dear,
First off, I would like to sincerely apologize. I forgot my camera. AGAIN!!!! I am so sorry. I was confused this morning and wasn't quite sure where we were headed. But just you wait. When you get em they'll be all the better. It has been getting warmer here. It was over 80 the other day. Super hot. And then it is supposed to be pretty cold on Wednesday I guess, mid 50's. But I've sure been sweating. That is for surrrre.
We rely a lot on our members to find people for us to teach and we visit our potentials until they are ready to accept our message. The other day though, last Sunday, we stopped by a man working on his garage and spoke to him. He wasn't very interested at first but we ended up talking for over an hour. It was awesome. His name is Norm and I'm not quite sure how it will turn out but he took a Book of Mormon and said he would read it. I am so excited to meet with him again. On Wednesday we plan on stopping by. But we have plenty of investigators!!
Me and my companion have an interesting relationship haha. He's a good guy. We compliment each other well and I can see why I have been put with my last two companions. At least I think so at least.
As for the bike I got it taken care of! Look at me, I'm a man now. I was at one of my ward mission leaders house (all my ward mission leaders are way awesome.) and he just had the idea to check out Wal Mart online. (FUN FACT: I have been through three bikes in my time here haha). So we checked it out and this beautiful Schwinn just screamed for me. She's blue and I like her a lot. 7 speed, comfy seat, just what I need. My mission leader, Brother Olsen, placed the order and it will be arriving later this week. But yeah, don't you fret. I've got it under control! 
This week has been a lot better! I know the reason I was so shocked was because it was such a new situation. Mesa isn't some foreign land but it is so interesting to see how different the world I was raised in differs from those we teach.
 That is so crazy about Josh and Brooke. I believe she took my call. But oh well. Just kidding, tell them congrats! I'm so excited for them. When do they report? The MTC is going to be exploding by the time they get there. I'm so happy for Josh and Kenny, I have been thinking of them a lot.. It's so awesome to know I have so many friends out here doing the same work. Bringing this gospel to all corners of the world. Keep me updated on the lives of my friends. Such as Cole and all others you are able to stay in contact with. I am grateful for your interest in their lives.
 Revelation has been on my mind A LOT. I have been trying so hard to let the Lord guide me in my life in all that I do. That is the biggest piece of advice I have for anyone preparing to serve a mission. Pay attention to the Spirit. When you feel it recognize it. When you recognize it listen to it. And when you listen to it act on what it is telling you. That is something I have been trying so very hard to apply in my mission. Because that is what it's all about. It's hard to be guided sometimes because I'm so caught up in learning the area but I have been focusing more  
Thanks for the prayers. My companion and our teaching is growing together. He likes to talk and I like to ask questions so we even each other out. I love him a lot. 
I know the Lord has a hand in all things and the biggest thing I am learning is there is a time for all things. Adam and Jen will have a time in their life where they are ready to accept the gospel. We just need to keep giving them that chance and doing our part. I love Adam so much and I know he will come unto Christ as soon as he realizes all he has done for him. And how much it can bless his family.
Well pop thank you so much for everything you and Mom continue to do for me. I love you so much and I feel my testimony is growing. Guess what I did on Saturday. I invited one of our investigators to be baptized  His name is Angel, he is 70 years old and lives on his own. I love him so much. We still have soooooooooo much to teach him and sometimes it is hard for him to understand us (hard of hearing) but he wants to follow Christ and his example. I am so excited for him. Since we have some challenges and still have a lot to teach him he agreed to be baptized on April 6th. It is a little ways away but we know we need time to prepare him. He needs to got to church 3 times before then and we don't know how much of a challenge that will be. But I know Heavenly Father will prepare a way and I can't wait.
 We also have two other baptismal dates that were set before I got in the area. One is Mickey. She is super nice and is set for March 9th. But she still needs to attend church so we might have to push it back a week or two. We're just focusing on building her faith.
 Jesus has a date for April 20th. His is so far away because he has some legal issues that came up. He was supposed to be baptized on February 2nd? But some stuff came up. He is so faithful though. He has been going to church consistantly for 6 months. We meet with him Sundays and Tuesdays. Last night we taught him about faith and works last night (Our previous two lessons were about the Book of Mormon and Faith in Jesus Christ). He's so awesome. I can't wait to get him baptized.
 Another family we are working with is Tony, Julie, Nicole, and Sean. Sean is 12 years old and wants to be baptized. His parents say he can and they are just learning so that they can know his beliefs. And their daughter has finally joined in! She's 18. In our next lesson we are challenging them to gain a witness and not just learn the beliefs. They're an awesome family. And I believe they are one of the reasons I am in this area. 

We have a lot of other investigators and potentials. It's an exploding area. I am excited to be here. Thank you so much for all you do, I'm grateful for your example! Thank you, Thank you.
I love you guys lots and lots. Keep me updated on everything. . I love you guys so very much. Keep up the hard work. I pray for you every night and I am so grateful for your support. 

Love Elder Alexander 

My Trainer Elder Weston

There she is. Still have to name her

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