Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mar 11, 2013

Zone T-Shirts we made

Everyone in my Zone

Elder Weston and I at the beautiful Mesa Temple

Mesa Temple
Email for Elder George Alexander is   george.alexander@myldsmail.net

Hi Mommy.
I also always look forward to hearing how the fam is and telling you what's up in AZ. I'm glad you were able to go to the sealing and see all of the family. It's always nice going to the temple with fam. Guess what I got to do this week. As you can probably guess, I went to the temple!! It was so refreshing. I man I loved it. Soooo much. It is so pretty and it was just nice to feel the spirit and reflect on everything I've learned. We go once a transfer. Beautiful Temple. Gotta love that revelation. 
We don't have too much crazy food. Just the basic stuff, my area isn't to Mexican so not a lot of mexican food. But it's definitely good and I have only had two lasagnas which is pretty surprising to me. The running and workouts are doing pretty good. We have Zone Sports a lot in the mornings. Which is where all of the Zone gets together at 6 am and we play something til 7. It's a great start to the day. Also my bike is keeping me fit. I got the package and I really appreciate it! I have plenty of clothes now. (I also got that fancy Zone T Shirt which I sent you a picture of. The names are all the people in my zone.) The only thing is I could use some more basketball shorts. Like 2 more? I know i"m needy. And to answer your question I do not have a lock, we just use my companions. But it would be nice if you could send me one. Is that ok?
 We had a rough week, just a lot of canceled lessons but we are not discouraged. Me and Elder Weston are both excited and are growing together more and more everyday. Becca told gave me some advice about not being able to change other people and you just have to change yourself when you see a problem. And that really helped. That added with prayer after prayer, it all is working out!
 We have an investigator who has a child with a Less Active, her name is S. She investigated before but felt that the missionaries were pushing her to marriage and got offended when they dropped her. We have just been taking it at her pace and are building her testimony. Because we know once she knows it's true the marriage thing won't be a problem. But some exciting news, she is softening. We're good friends now and she asked one of her neighbors if she can go to church with them. Her boyfriend, H works on Sundays so he can't go right now. But he wants to. Pray for her, I believe we are close to her baptism. She reads everything we assign her and told us she will pray to know if it is true this week.
 As for changes in the Zone, we are getting a new Zone Leader. The New Zealander Elder Moala is staying and his new companion is from Brazil. So that will be awesome. And also one of the Spanish Elders in our District is headed home Wednesday and his companion will be training, so that's cool. I won't be the greenie in the District anymore! haha
It is very true about the commandments. I was reading 'Our Search for Happiness' today and it talks about the Word of Wisdom and how everything in it is directly from Heavenly Father. Some people think that we are just good at adhering to what scientists say is bad for us but what they don't understand is we have had this commandment since before people realized it was bad. Ya know? Crazy, Crazy.
 Well Mom and Dad, I sure love ya. I am proud to be your son. Everyone really loves my scriptures and loves looking at em, I'm trying to add to all your wisdom oozing out of the pages. 
Well I love you lots. Everything is great!
Love Elder Alexander 
Ps- the church has changed their email policy. So I can now email friends. That includes my mission friends. Cool eh? I want to send some of my friends a quick email next week, see how they're all doing. So I have a job for you. Could you gather up their email addresses. I'm sure it's just their first and last name but I want to make sure. haha Thanks.

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