Tuesday, May 14, 2013

First Email in the MTC  Jan 24,2013

It's Finally P Day!!!!

Well it's the first P day of my mission and it is so relaxing. So far we have just done laundry (which was much needed) and now I'm just waiting for my loads to dry. Prettttty exciting. For some reason the sidewalks are super slippery today, and people are falling all over the place. I Sister fell when me and not my companion (we were on a "swap") went to get some hangers from residence. We helped her up and then when we were coming up we helped take her to the shuttle to get checked out. Aaaaaanyways I realize all of what I just said is pretty pointless, so I'll talk about more important stuff.

My companion is Elder Keeler he is from Houston. He is an extremely slow person and we're always waiting for him but we love him haha. Tryin my patience all over the place. We have both come a long way in our teaching and studying, it is super hard but we do a good job at helping each other. My roommates are Elder Van Noy and Elder Corbridge (he's the one who I was on swap with this morning), they are the Zone Leaders and Elder Keeler is our District Leader, so I am the only one in the room without a calling. So I had to find one right? Well it found me. Me Elder Ault (he's from Riverton) and his Companion Elder Armatage are the District Bullys. You don't choose the Bully life, it chooses you. Haha we just cause little havoc, when appropriate of course. Armatage is from Boutniful and he will be 20 in March, he has been through a lot and changed his life and came on a mission. I love him, he has a great Spirit even though he is the most immature of us all.

So I have taught probably around 9? lessons. And they are tough. But we met with a Volunteer who we believe was a real investigator, not an actor. His daughter is very active and he was baptized as a kid but was never active. His daughter and their family had set a great example for him and in his old age he has started thinking more about Christ. We explained how it blesses families and helps us be happier. He said he will read 1 Nephi 19 (where Nephi explains why he was making the plates, and why we have them) and pray about it. He had a lot of questions and I felt the best Spirit I have felt all the time here while I was answering his questions. It's so hard to plan lessons and go with the Investigators needs but hey, I've only been here a week. I'll get better. 

The first few days were really hard, really missed everyone. Couldn't focus at times and couldn't see myself doing this for two years. But what the heck, it's already Thursday? And I don't even remember the names of most of you? How's Chase? Oh, I mean Jayce? But really, it's awesome how great this work is and how I am beginning to feel more and more like this is the new me. And I still do miss everyone a lot. How are all you doing? I still need to write back to Elyse and Dal, but I'll get to it. I love you guys a lot, families are forever, the church is true, and Mother. I need some more stuff... :)

1. Tic Tacs rule, send me a lot of those. We can't chew gum so everyone loves a man with tic tacs.
2. More stamps? Ain't nobody got money for that. 
3. Speaking of money, it would be nice to have some cash. Just a couple bills if that's not too sketchy.
4. More of those 5 star notebooks, ends up I take tons of notes.
5. Any surprises you feel I would appreciate, packages rule.

Well, I better go!, I love you!!!!

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