Tuesday, March 18, 2014

I really love Paul, he truly loves all those that he served. I think that's why God trusted him so much.

Mar 10, 2014
Well. The weeks are really starting to blur now but I am trying my
best to separate the events in order to give you an adequate update!
So.... Here we go.

We did quite a bit of teaching this week. We also found a few new
people! Rod is doing pretty good. We are trying to help him receive an
answer from the Spirit so we taught him the Word of Wisdom. He isn't
too eager to quit drinking unfortunately, says it will happen
naturally when it happens. We were able to do a lot of service for him
this week. First laying concrete and then reroofing his patio. After
all that we got him to come to a baptism with us on Saturday, we
haven't followed up with him about it too much but I'm hoping it will
soften his heart.

We also taught Colby a couple times this week. We were a let to go
over the 10 Commandments using these hand signs that help you remember
them, he loved it. He thinks he still needs to wait a month or so
before he is ready to get baptized but he promised us that this week
while he is at his Moms he will pray to know the day that The Lord
wants him to be baptized so keep him in your prayers.

On Thursday we had that Missionary Leadership Council. Brother
Leswarde from the missionary department (he is over all of the
Visitors Centers and helps a lot with the church's missionary program)
and Brother Packer (who happens to be the grandson of Boyd K. Packer)
were there. It was a really great meeting, a little long, but great.
We talked a lot about helping our investigators develop faith and the
most efficient way for them to progress. What we ultimately came to he
conclusion of was the necessity of revelation. Without revelation we
do not know the will of God. Without it we will never receive the
guidance we need in order to move closer to Him. We have Zone
Conference tomorrow (our zone and two other zones will be meeting with
President) during which we have a breakout session that me and E.
Crookston are in charge of. I will let you know how it goes next week.

This week in my studies I was able to finish 1 Corinthians. I really
love Paul. He is a super passionate man and truly loves all those that
he served, I think that's why God trusted him so much. For some reason
I have had a relatively easy time loving all of my investigators
through out my mission. I'm really grateful for that but I know it's
not from me but from God. I really try to feel His love for them. When
I don't love someone I know it's because I haven't thought about how
God feels about them. So instead of getting frustrated I can feel
mercy and patience with all of God's children. It definitely doesn't
come naturally but through prayer and a lot of practiced patience. I
came across a scripture in 1 Corinthians that I really liked, it
says... But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which
was bestowed upon me was not in vain; (1 Corinthians 15:10). It really
is by God's grace that I am what I am. And I'm really trying to work
my hardest so that that grace is not in vain!!

Elder Crookston only has two weeks left (where has this transfer
gone???) and it's pretty crazy. He's trying to convince me to go to
school in Boston since he decided to try out the East coast life going
to Southern Virginia University when he gets home.

Well... This week really wasn't super exciting but I hope you know
that I love you and I'm grateful for all you do. Have a great week!

Elder Alexander

P.S.- We ate with this family in the Ward last night and their son
isn't very active. When I say he isn't very active I mean he claims
not to be Mormon. But thanks to my expansive musical interest I was
able to get along with him very well and he ended up serenading us
with his incredible piano talent for half of the meal. Now he is
learning my favorite song prior to the mission. Tender mercies of The

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